

Book Review: Taking Time For Reflection

If during these unprecedented times, you find yourself unhinged and at odds as to what to do with idle time while waiting to get back into society—welcome to the club! It’s a big club, and no doubt each of us has a favorite story as how life is changing and how we are coping. The lack of the rush that comes from the hustle and bustle of a rigorous time schedule as well as the isolation from friends and family is both a blessing and a curse, depending on your outlook. This definitely presents a situation to ask, “Is the glass half empty or half full?” A Welcome Opportunity for Reflection Being an optimist at heart, I began to look [...]

By | May 10th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Philanthropy|Comments Off on Book Review: Taking Time For Reflection

10 Thoughtful Steps to Live the 3 Principles of Abundance

When your philanthropy is an expression of your values, vision and voice, you're living by the Three Principles of Abundance - power, purpose and passion. With this mind-set you're confident knowing how and why you give, and you reject the fear of scarcity. For many of us today, abundance is the wealth we recognize from within our soul, as well as the energy we celebrate in word, deed and action. Moreover, Dr. Sherry Buffington, author of The Law of Abundances, says “Ultimately it is the happiness, contentment, and a deep sense of satisfaction that are the true measures of abundance.” So, whether you give one dollar or one million dollars, you'll take pride knowing that your philanthropic decisions are made [...]

By | April 26th, 2021|Categories: Philanthropy|Comments Off on 10 Thoughtful Steps to Live the 3 Principles of Abundance

Book Review–Women: The Art of Leadership

One of my favorite books on women’s leadership style is The Female Vision: Women’s Real Power at Work by Sally Helgesen and Julie Johnston (2010 Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA). As they write in their Forward, “The Female Vision draws on the latest research (comparing women’s and men’s perceptions) to illustrate why what women and men see can be so different.” They go on to illustrate with very compelling stories what these differences are, why they matter, and how the inclusion of women’s vision and leadership is beneficial to an organization’s culture, mission, and sustainability. Relevant for Non-Profit Leaders Although the authors limited their research to women in the for-profit sector, the information is as relevant to women working [...]

By | April 5th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Philanthropy|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Book Review–Women: The Art of Leadership

Power, Purpose and Passion in Women as Philanthropists

After a number of years researching Women as Philanthropists, I often wondered, "how does a woman connect her values with the causes and critical issues she deems important enough to support with her time, talent and treasure?" Well, I discovered three key elements--power, purpose and passion--that converge, bringing focus and clarity to her decision-making. Power to Solutions The first, power, comes from choosing how to direct her energy to find the creative solutions for those critical issues. A woman finds power by allowing herself to establish goals, monitor progress, and evaluate the impact of her philanthropic agenda on both individual progress and community betterment. Empowerment is the force that drives passion and purpose. It also offers the courage to transcend [...]

By | March 1st, 2021|Categories: Philanthropy|Comments Off on Power, Purpose and Passion in Women as Philanthropists

Book Review: The Golden Rules of Influence

Over the next few months, I’ll be sharing reviews of books that inspire me in the hopes they will inspire you too. Happy reading! Experts say that the best way to teach a lesson is to tell a story. Indeed, through the ages fables have enriched our lives by their moral lessons. How can we forget fables such as Aesop’s The Tortoise and Hare or The Ant and the Grasshopper! Short, Profound Modern Tale In the 21st Century, fables continue to be life-changing for those who choose to read them. And this is certainly true in the field of Philanthropic Leadership. One such modern tale is the short yet profound book, The Art of Influence by Chris Widener. In a [...]

By | February 8th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Philanthropy|Tags: , |Comments Off on Book Review: The Golden Rules of Influence

How To Create Your Philanthropic Mantra

Do you ever find yourself tongue-tied when anyone asks you “Why do you support this organization?” How do you answer? Or better yet, do you even have a specific answer? Quite often I like to ask a donor this question and all too frequently there is an uncomfortable silence. Following a thoughtful pause, the donor answers with something like, “Well, my neighbor asked me to get involved,” or “Gee, I’m not sure, my family has always made an annual contribution” or “Hmmm, I ‘m not really sure, I just like the organization.” Creating your own philanthropic mission statement or mantra can help you answer with confidence! Focus Your Giving There is no doubt that today there is more and more [...]

By | January 25th, 2021|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on How To Create Your Philanthropic Mantra

Who Defines Philanthropic Success?

In recent years it has become evident that philanthropy is not a commodity. It's not defined by market supply and demand, but rather the result of a donor’s personal journey driven by values and beliefs. So, who defines philanthropic success? And, if one subscribes to the axiom that success is in the eye of the beholder, then the question becomes, who is the beholder? Who has the primary responsibility of defining success and determining the metrics with which to establish what success means? the philanthropist who gives?the organization that accepts?the beneficiary who receives? Perhaps there's a strong case to be made that the duty to define success falls squarely on the philanthropist who gives. Currently there is a significant dialogue [...]

By | January 11th, 2021|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Who Defines Philanthropic Success?

New Year, New YOU!

It’s that time again. With each New Year come new resolutions. And in these unprecedented times of lockdowns and lay-offs we all are revisiting and revising our priorities. Here are a couple of techniques here to help you revitalize your priorities and values. Examine Your Priorities and Values As we look toward the dawning of a new year, now is the time to examine our priorities as well as our resources and get back in touch with the values that shape our thoughts and drive our decisions. This process is not linear but rather incremental. Bring clarity to the process in four stages: Stage one: Affirm and discover your core values. Stage two: Align your values with the people and [...]

By | December 29th, 2020|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on New Year, New YOU!

How to Start a Philanthropic Conversation

Unless you are in the nonprofit profession, starting a philanthropic conversation is tough. Most people seldom bring up the topic of philanthropy in private or public discourse. One could surmise that it is either taboo or just awkward to know how to start a dialogue about giving. No matter what you call it, charity, giving, or philanthropy, the topic certainly is not in the mainstream of most discussions among friends or family members. Changing the Course of the Dialogue Perhaps many consider talking about issues and causes that pain the heart and prod open the checkbook as boasting, prying, or self-interest? And if so, how can we change the course of conversation to include meaningful discussions about charity, giving and [...]

By | December 14th, 2020|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , |Comments Off on How to Start a Philanthropic Conversation

The Age of Women’s Philanthropy

Women have become hyper-agents for the greater good through their philanthropic endeavors. Philanthropy offers women a platform for expressing their values and valuables through the feminine strengths of caring, collaboration and consensus building in our dysfunctional society. Their financial independence gives them the freedom and ability to impact social, civic, and cultural agendas in their community. Women's Values & Strengths Philanthropy offers women a platform for their philanthropy for two specific reasons: 1) The political and corporate sectors have yet to fully recognize the extraordinary value of these feminine strengths. 2) Women’s attitudes regarding the accumulation and use of money differ from those of men. For men, the accumulation of money is the goal – it defines status and power. [...]

By | November 30th, 2020|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Age of Women’s Philanthropy

What Philanthropy Can Teach Politics

Current polarized political rhetoric and hype has us all on edge. Indeed, it has many of us tuning out altogether, just when our nation needs to unite in purpose for the greater good of all humanity. Significant historians believe our nation is experiencing the “winter of our discontent” with hope of an imminent spring rebirth faint on the horizon. Fundamental Virtues and Values Philanthropy in America continues to be a pace setter in directing our nation back to “true north” and to the fundamental virtues and values that made America strong and united in community. Alexis de Tocqueville first identified the “spirit of self-interest rightly understood” in his historic saga, Democracy in America. It depicted Americans’ unique role in building [...]

By | November 19th, 2020|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on What Philanthropy Can Teach Politics

“Cart Before the Horse” Philanthropy

From talking with professional tax and legal advisors, there seems to be a plethora of well- informed and knowledgeable advisors who advocate “cart before the horse” philanthropy to their clients. Such philanthropic advice comes in several varieties, and most often begins with “How.” Perhaps the advisor asks, “How much do you want to save in taxes?” or “How would you like to avoid capital gains on your sale of appreciated securities?” or “How much do you want to leave to your favorite charity?” Yes, in the right context, these questions are certainly valid, but when asked in regard to philanthropic matters, they tend to place the “cart before the horse.” For an advisor to engage a client in meaningful dialogue [...]

By | April 25th, 2014|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Cart Before the Horse” Philanthropy

Where is the balance between the heart and head in philanthropy?

In today’s technological age, I believe it is very easy to get caught up in the over analysis of the reasons people give. In recent decades there has been significant research and writings on what motivates donors to do what they do and why. Elizabeth Svoboda’s August 2013 Wall Street Journal article, “Hard-Wired for Giving,” shows some scientific evidence behind giving. She reports that experiments in 2007 by University of Oregon economist Dr. Bill Harbaugh and psychologist Ulrich Mayr used an MRI scanner to pinpoint exactly what goes on in a person’s brain when they decide to give to charity. Results showed that “areas of the brain associated with the processing of unexpected rewards, such as the nucleus accumbens lit up. [...]

By | January 29th, 2014|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Where is the balance between the heart and head in philanthropy?

When did the ladies who lunch become the ladies who lead?

Make no mistake there’s been a quiet transformation of leadership in the philanthropic community. Perhaps you missed its subtle arrival. It’s not the flamboyant style of the mighty tycoons of the past, driven by ego; but rather it’s an elegant and fashionable movement driven by sensibility and purpose. Ladies who lead are making waves for the greater good by living authentic lives fostering the ideals of creativity, collaboration, and giving both time and money. Ladies who lead are using “time tested ‘women’s ways’ of leading, (that) have become the gold standard for great leaders of both genders, and the building blocks for success in today’s global economy,” writes Martha Mayhood Mertz in Becoming ATHENA: Eight Principles of Enlightened Leadership. What’s good [...]

By | October 16th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on When did the ladies who lunch become the ladies who lead?

Who do philanthropists answer to?

If one subscribes to the axiom that success is in the “eye of the beholder,” then the question becomes, “Who is the beholder?” Is it the philanthropist who gives? Is it the organization that accepts? Is it the beneficiary who receives? Who has the primary responsibility of defining success and determining the metrics with which to define what success means? If one maintains that philanthropy is not a commodity defined by market supply and demand but rather the result of a personal journey driven by values and beliefs, then perhaps to a great extent, the responsibility of defining success falls squarely on the philanthropist who gives. There is a significant and responsible discussion taking place in the nonprofit profession as [...]

By | September 24th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Who do philanthropists answer to?

Erase the Myth of Scarcity and Mindset of Fear

Women are the greatest economy on earth. Philanthropy offers women a platform for their abundance for two specific reasons: 1) The political and corporate sectors have yet to fully recognize the extraordinary value feminine strengths of caring, collaboration, connecting, and consensus building bring to our dysfunctional society. 2) Women’s attitudes regarding the accumulation and use of money are different from those of men. For men, the accumulation of money is the goal – it defines status and power. For women the accumulation of money is a means to an end – it gives women the freedom and the ability to impact society and support the causes that make their hearts sing. Yet, I believe, women’s full potential for abundant philanthropic [...]

By | August 8th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Erase the Myth of Scarcity and Mindset of Fear

Take time to think and reflect

Perhaps the time has come to re-examine our thinking about values and valuables. Is our country’s moral compass still pointing true north? Can conspicuous compassion temper conspicuous consumption? Does de Tocqueville’s doctrine of “self-interest rightly understood” have a place in our high-tech interdependent world economy? History gives us many places and people where one can look for some both thought provoking commentary and down to earth common sense. Author Mark Twain for sure; possibly the infamous New York Yankee manager, Yogi Berra for some; the ancient Greek philosophers for solace. Recently I was handed a list of “The Ten Cannots,” attributed to the 20th century religions leader, William J. H. Boetcker. They struck a chord with me, and so I [...]

By | June 13th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Take time to think and reflect

Numbers Never Tell All

For many years, the sign hanging on the wall in Albert Einstein’s Princeton office read, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” This is quite true in philanthropy, especially when it comes to the fundraising and administrative costs which are often analyzed in terms of a percent or ratio of operating expenses. Who is to say the current formulas used by rating agencies to hallmark the qualities of an efficient and well-run organization are the “cat’s meow?” It’s the best we have, but can they be improved, can the formulas be more representative, transparent and holistic? How could donor insight and response from the community served add to a convergence of both [...]

By | May 8th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Comments Off on Numbers Never Tell All

Philanthropy: It’s a matter of potatoes

“One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four...” If you’re part of my generation, you may remember singing this English rhyme. In our early school days it served as a way to choose teammates, but now we are all grown up and finding ways to teach the next generation about the discipline and joy of charitable giving choices. One percent, two percent, three percent… ten, fifty percent or more! How do we educate young adults to become generous and committed to a life-long philanthropic strategy with their peers? Who will lead the Millennial 50 percent giving pledge challenge? Who will pick up the torch from the likes of Warren Buffett, Mark Zukerberg, and Bill and Melinda Gates? In 2011, Americans gave [...]

By | April 3rd, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Comments Off on Philanthropy: It’s a matter of potatoes

Philanthropy has an ace up its sleeve

The everyday chatter of economic discontent, political debacle, and media dooms-day predictions makes even the most Pollyanna heart heavy. Negative energy begets worrisome thoughts, meaningless words, and selfish deeds. Our dark times hide the joy of philanthropic TLC -- the synergy of Trust, Leverage and Capital that philanthropy embraces. TLC provides the foundation for community and the "Ace up the philanthropic sector's sleeve" to effect change for a more harmonious and balanced world. The definition of an energetic and thriving community is one that openly demonstrates an abundance of trust, the collective leverage of financial, human and intellectual capital, and an innovative network of social capital working to focus on ways to promulgate the love of humankind in thought, word, [...]

By | March 15th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Comments Off on Philanthropy has an ace up its sleeve