Women have become hyper-agents for the greater good through their philanthropic endeavors. Philanthropy offers women a platform for expressing their values and valuables through the feminine strengths of caring, collaboration and consensus building in our dysfunctional society. Their financial independence gives them the freedom and ability to impact social, civic, and cultural agendas in their community.
Women’s Values & Strengths
Philanthropy offers women a platform for their philanthropy for two specific reasons:
1) The political and corporate sectors have yet to fully recognize the extraordinary value of these feminine strengths.
2) Women’s attitudes regarding the accumulation and use of money differ from those of men. For men, the accumulation of money is the goal – it defines status and power. For women the accumulation of money is a means to an end – it gives women the freedom and the ability to impact society and support the causes that make their hearts sing.
No Scarcity, No Fear
I believe, women’s full potential for abundant philanthropic leadership is no longer a prisoner to the myth of scarcity and a mindset of fear. In past decades many women found more comfort and confidence with the traditional giving of time rather than using their money to support the causes and issues they feel are important in their lives.
Today, as more women tell their story and talk about why they give and how the power of giving money aligns with their values to create the world they want, it is evident they are confident in making their philanthropic decisions. Abundance is on the horizon. And when women partner with nonprofit organizations they can become “hyper-agents.” – This new paradigm has created a cohort of women who live by what I call the “Three Principles of Abundance.”
1) Every woman is a philanthropist
2) Every woman has a legacy story
3) Every woman makes a difference
This is a call to women everywhere to tell their story and talk about why they give and how the power of giving of their time, talent and especially their money aligns with their values to create the world that want for now and future generations. Abundance has found a home.
This post originally published August 8, 2013 and has been updated for relevance.