Margaret May

/Tag:Margaret May

Erase the Myth of Scarcity and Mindset of Fear

Women are the greatest economy on earth. Philanthropy offers women a platform for their abundance for two specific reasons: 1) The political and corporate sectors have yet to fully recognize the extraordinary value feminine strengths of caring, collaboration, connecting, and consensus building bring to our dysfunctional society. 2) Women’s attitudes regarding the accumulation and use of money are different from those of men. For men, the accumulation of money is the goal – it defines status and power. For women the accumulation of money is a means to an end – it gives women the freedom and the ability to impact society and support the causes that make their hearts sing. Yet, I believe, women’s full potential for abundant philanthropic [...]

By | August 8th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Erase the Myth of Scarcity and Mindset of Fear

Heartfelt Giving Supports Healthy Heart Living

February is National Heart Health Month and the Division of Health and Human Services has a national agenda called Million Hearts™ to prevent a million heart attacks and strokes in the U.S. over the next five years. They want to empower more people to reduce sodium and trans fat intake. Needless to say, this is great news for the physical part of our heart. But what are we doing to enhance the benevolent spirit in our heart? In today’s tumultuous world, what good is a healthy physical heart if the world we live in is ugly, mean-spirited and sick? In our book, Women, Wealth and Giving: The Virtuous Legacy of the Boom Generation, my co-author Niki Nicastro McCuistion and I write [...]

By | February 13th, 2012|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Heartfelt Giving Supports Healthy Heart Living

Philanthropy through the Pipeline

Recently something about the name “Pipeline Fellowship” caught my attention as I was surfing the net. Well, in all honesty it brought to mind strains from the 60s Motown hit, “I heard it through the Grapevine.” I guess it was the rhyme of ‘pipeline’ and ‘grapevine’ that caught my musical ear – but that's where I thought any similarity between the two entities would end. Nevertheless, I’m glad my ear, rather than my eye, made me stop and read. For here is where I found out about a remarkable organization that combines the best of three elements: women, philanthropy, and for-profit social ventures. Founder and CEO, Natalia Oberti Noguera, launched the Pipeline Fellowship to activate more women angel investors and create more [...]

New Year, New Resolutions

It’s that time again. With the new year comes new resolutions. I meet women of all ages when I’m traveling across the country presenting my “Three Principles of Abundance” lectures, and one commitment I hear loud and clear, and quite frequently, is their resolve to move from conspicuous consumption and commit to live a life centered around conspicuous compassion. Such an experience helps us get back in touch with the values that shape our thoughts and drive our decisions. A person does not learn conspicuous compassion by doing, but rather by listening and observing – two virtues severely underutilized and too often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of today’s world. The practice of conspicuous compassion is proactive and deliberate [...]

By | January 5th, 2012|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on New Year, New Resolutions

Ask Margaret

Q: What, in your opinion and experience, is the most compelling reason that women donate their money? -- Shannon, West Palm Beach  A: There are typically three reasons that compel women to give: 1. Tax benefits -- IRS charitable deductions as permitted on Form 1040. 2. Participation in a program sponsored by the organization; volunteered time and talent to the organization; or a connection to an organization through a friend or family member. 3. A personal experience or a family member's experience with services from the organization; or a strong affinity with the cause or mission. Do you have a question about women and philanthropy, wealth management or planned giving? E-mail Margaret at Your question might be featured in an upcoming [...]

By | December 5th, 2011|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Ask Margaret

Characteristics of Virtuous Philanthropists, Conclusion

The stories of our virtuous philanthropists share a common thread, a bond that weaves their lives together even though they may not know each other. The bond is echoed by the late Dame Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop. When asked to comment on her decision to sell $150 million of the company's stock and give the proceeds to charity, she said, "They thought that eccentric of me. But you can't take it with you and you're a long time dead." Dame Roddick died in 2007, at the age of 64, from a cerebral hemorrhage, after a long battle with hepatitis C from a blood transfusion, which had gone undiagnosed for several years. She fulfilled her promise to leave [...]

By | December 2nd, 2010|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Characteristics of Virtuous Philanthropists, Conclusion