

How to Start a Philanthropic Conversation

Unless you are in the nonprofit profession, starting a philanthropic conversation is tough. Most people seldom bring up the topic of philanthropy in private or public discourse. One could surmise that it is either taboo or just awkward to know how to start a dialogue about giving. No matter what you call it, charity, giving, or philanthropy, the topic certainly is not in the mainstream of most discussions among friends or family members. Changing the Course of the Dialogue Perhaps many consider talking about issues and causes that pain the heart and prod open the checkbook as boasting, prying, or self-interest? And if so, how can we change the course of conversation to include meaningful discussions about charity, giving and [...]

By | December 14th, 2020|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , |Comments Off on How to Start a Philanthropic Conversation

What Philanthropy Can Teach Politics

Current polarized political rhetoric and hype has us all on edge. Indeed, it has many of us tuning out altogether, just when our nation needs to unite in purpose for the greater good of all humanity. Significant historians believe our nation is experiencing the “winter of our discontent” with hope of an imminent spring rebirth faint on the horizon. Fundamental Virtues and Values Philanthropy in America continues to be a pace setter in directing our nation back to “true north” and to the fundamental virtues and values that made America strong and united in community. Alexis de Tocqueville first identified the “spirit of self-interest rightly understood” in his historic saga, Democracy in America. It depicted Americans’ unique role in building [...]

By | November 19th, 2020|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on What Philanthropy Can Teach Politics

“Cart Before the Horse” Philanthropy

From talking with professional tax and legal advisors, there seems to be a plethora of well- informed and knowledgeable advisors who advocate “cart before the horse” philanthropy to their clients. Such philanthropic advice comes in several varieties, and most often begins with “How.” Perhaps the advisor asks, “How much do you want to save in taxes?” or “How would you like to avoid capital gains on your sale of appreciated securities?” or “How much do you want to leave to your favorite charity?” Yes, in the right context, these questions are certainly valid, but when asked in regard to philanthropic matters, they tend to place the “cart before the horse.” For an advisor to engage a client in meaningful dialogue [...]

By | April 25th, 2014|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Cart Before the Horse” Philanthropy

Erase the Myth of Scarcity and Mindset of Fear

Women are the greatest economy on earth. Philanthropy offers women a platform for their abundance for two specific reasons: 1) The political and corporate sectors have yet to fully recognize the extraordinary value feminine strengths of caring, collaboration, connecting, and consensus building bring to our dysfunctional society. 2) Women’s attitudes regarding the accumulation and use of money are different from those of men. For men, the accumulation of money is the goal – it defines status and power. For women the accumulation of money is a means to an end – it gives women the freedom and the ability to impact society and support the causes that make their hearts sing. Yet, I believe, women’s full potential for abundant philanthropic [...]

By | August 8th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Erase the Myth of Scarcity and Mindset of Fear