

Who Defines Philanthropic Success?

In recent years it has become evident that philanthropy is not a commodity. It's not defined by market supply and demand, but rather the result of a donor’s personal journey driven by values and beliefs. So, who defines philanthropic success? And, if one subscribes to the axiom that success is in the eye of the beholder, then the question becomes, who is the beholder? Who has the primary responsibility of defining success and determining the metrics with which to establish what success means? the philanthropist who gives?the organization that accepts?the beneficiary who receives? Perhaps there's a strong case to be made that the duty to define success falls squarely on the philanthropist who gives. Currently there is a significant dialogue [...]

By | January 11th, 2021|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Who Defines Philanthropic Success?

Who do philanthropists answer to?

If one subscribes to the axiom that success is in the “eye of the beholder,” then the question becomes, “Who is the beholder?” Is it the philanthropist who gives? Is it the organization that accepts? Is it the beneficiary who receives? Who has the primary responsibility of defining success and determining the metrics with which to define what success means? If one maintains that philanthropy is not a commodity defined by market supply and demand but rather the result of a personal journey driven by values and beliefs, then perhaps to a great extent, the responsibility of defining success falls squarely on the philanthropist who gives. There is a significant and responsible discussion taking place in the nonprofit profession as [...]

By | September 24th, 2013|Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Who do philanthropists answer to?