Statistics tell us that a baby boomer will turn 55 years old every seven seconds for the next 20 years.

The psychologist Carl Jung notes that later in life, individuals have the opportunity to look deeper into themselves and recover renewed vitality and zest. Syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman cites Al Gore as the “poster child” for what author Marc Freedman calls an “Encore Career.”

In my book “Women Wealth and Giving: The Virtuous Legacy of the Boom Generation,” I write about the Three Principles of Abundance, one of which is to find ways to answer the question “Who Am I?” Finding part of the answer implies you have freedom and desire to get in touch with your human spirit and shift perceptions from the materialist age of conspicuous consumption to a meaningful age of conspicuous compassion. Demonstrating your passion for what is really important to you is the first step in finding abundance in your life.

Let’s face it; life at times is confusing and complicated. Having the ability to center thoughts and deeds on conspicuous compassion can simplify life and free the mind and the soul to be attentive to seeing the needs of others and being open to create solutions. It brings clarity of focus to what is important in the second half of our lives and it can lead to the reprioritization of values to complement a new inner vision of Who Am I? Really!

While it may not bring us the “whole enchilada,” listening to our human spirit will bring more meaning into life and the work we do with our time, talent and treasure resources.

Wait even seven seconds and you have let go of an opportune moment to find your answer.