In a recent workshop in Tampa for the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning, I presented my research on how to “Speak Female” and the impact it has to engage women to excel in their philanthropy. Women as philanthropists are no longer a niche market – it is THE market for philanthropy. To “Speak Female” is to be a role model for the next generation.
Philanthropy is congruent with women’s goals and aspirations to make a difference in society. Women believe that the philanthropic platform serves as a voice to “Speak Female” and reshape the ethics and morals in our society and reset the compass due north for the next generation.
To “Speak Female” is to be:
1) Empowered with the ability to implement our nurturing and caring strengths
2) Expedient – in the search to find creative solutions to existing social ills
3) Entrepreneurial in thinking outside the box for unlikely resources and partners for the greater good
4) Engaged in authentic and meaningful work reflective of personal values
To “Speak Female” is creating a new voice and vision for women as philanthropists as they join together worldwide to co-create the world we want for the future.
Read more about how to “Speak Female” in “Women, Wealth and Giving: The Virtuous Legacy of the Boom Generation.” Find Margaret May on Facebook, or on Twitter @MM_Philanthropy.