In this topsy-turvy world, who among us has the luxury to sit down in a quiet place and think about the life we want to live? Author P. M. Forni makes an extremely compelling case as to why we must find the time to make an earnest self-examination of the important things in our life.

Why? Because, “If life is valuable,” says Forni, “it only makes sense to attend to it constantly.” And giving attention to the present moment is one way to seek relief from the frenzy and inefficient acts of multi-tasking that seem to be today’s norm. In 12 short chapters, the author packs a lot of solid advice and reflective questions to put the reader on a path to maximize the abilities of attention, reflection, introspection, positive and proactive thinking, self-control, creative thinking, problem solving and self-knowledge.

Forni keeps his promise to give you the basic and best in thinking habits and thinking skills to change your life in this age of distraction. It’s refreshing and revealing to know what we can do and be when we choose a thinking life.

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