Bookmark: Four Titles to Inspire and Inform

For those who want to add timely, informative, and inspiring books to their library, let me suggest four recent books published by John Wiley & Sons. Attendees at the national Partnership for Philanthropic Planning conference earlier this month in New Orleans had the opportunity to meet and talk with the authors (including yours, truly) at the booth sponsored by the publisher.

Michael J. Rosen, Margaret May, and Brian M. Sagrestano
Michael J. Rosen, Margaret May, and Brian M. Sagrestano

The potpourri of topics included two books hot off the press, The Philanthropic Planning Companion by Brian M. Sagrestano and Robert E. Wahlers, a one-stop resource detailing donor/client behavior, and A Fundraising Guide for Nonprofit Board Members by Julia Ingraham Walker with concise advice for executive directors on how to partner with your board to build an unstoppable fundraising team.

planningcompanioncover                   fundraisingguidecover

My colleague, Michael J. Rosen, author of Donor-Centered Planned Gift Marketing, signed copies of his remarkable and practical book on how to successfully implement and sustain an inspiring planned gift marketing effort in these uncertain economic times.

For me it was a jam-packed two days, hearing successful and inspiriting stories from attendees who have used the gender-specific tools and strategies found in my bookWomen, Wealth and Giving: The Virtuous Legacy of the Boom Generation, which I co-authored with Niki Nicastro McCuiston.

Donor-Centered Planned Gift Marketing                  Who am I? Really!

Find these books on

> The Philanthropic Planning Companion

> A Fundraising Guide for Nonprofit Board Members

> Donor-Centered Planned Gift Marketing

> Women, Wealth and Giving