Bookmark: Everyone Wants Your Money: Helping You Navigate Through Philanthropy by Dr. Gray Keller

From the title, you may expect the message in this book to be most appropriate for donors. And while that may be Dr. Gray Keller’s intent, I believe his wisdom, practical advice and stories speak directly to the heart of every development and fundraising professional. Dr. Keller is a philosopher, poet, and philanthropist with degrees in philosophy, theology and leadership. His trifecta of experiences challenge both donors and gift planners to reflect on who we are, what we do, why we do it, and how to be a strategic philanthropic leader.

“As a philanthropic leader,” writes Keller, “You will have to decide to give in a way that truly blesses another by bringing sustainable transformation and empowerment and place aside your own agenda and your own namesake.”

The reflective exercises in this book guide the reader on a personal and introspective journey of giving from the heart and giving aligned with values. If you believe as the author does, that “giving money rarely fixes any major philanthropic problem,” take a closer look at how you would answer questions such as “Reflect upon a time in your life when the paradox of learning occurred. Who did you teach and how did they end up teaching you? What is one thing you have learned from listening to someone who you did not previously believe could influence your thinking?”

The lessons from this book have the power to profoundly change your life, your philanthropy, and the world.

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